Category: Biography

Paul Houser’s 2013 Full Curriculum Vitae

August 9, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

Houser, P., 2013: Full Curriculum Vitae., August 2013 [doc] [pdf] [xps] [rtf] [txt] [mht] [odt]


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How did I get here?

September 28, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

I have been thinking about water for a long time.  My father probably had the most profound impact on my interest in earth sciences through his passion for the outdoors and rock collecting. When I was 7 or 8 years …

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Career Goal

April 10, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

My career goal is to continue my leadership in global water cycle research of direct relevance to society, including local to global land surface-atmospheric process observation and numerical simulation, and development and application of ecohydrologic data assimilation methods. I am …

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Short Biography

April 10, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

Dr. Houser in an internationally recognized expert in local to global land surface-atmospheric remote sensing, in-situ observation and numerical simulation, development and application of hydrologic data assimilation methods, scientific integrity and policy, and global water and energy cycling. He received …

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Long Biography

April 10, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

Dr. Houser in an internationally recognized expert in local to global land surface-atmospheric remote sensing, in-situ observation and numerical simulation, development and application of hydrologic data assimilation methods, scientific integrity and policy, and global water and energy cycling. He received …

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April 10, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

Dr. Houser has proven leadership skills and ability to build world-class research capabilities, as demonstrated in his leadership positions at NASA and CREW. This is evidenced by his terms as NASA Headquarters Program Manager in Hydrology, Head of the NASA

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April 10, 2012 | By | Add a Comment

Dr. Houser has actively guided his students and empowered them with the necessary skills to achieve their goals and become successful. As a teacher and mentor, he consistently takes actions to coordinate the talents of outstanding young scientists from diverse …

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Summary of Qualifications

September 20, 2011 | By | Add a Comment

Dr. Houser in an internationally recognized expert in hydrology and water resources, climate dynamics and prediction, community of practice development, decision support tool design, and capacity building. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Hydrology and Water Resources from …

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